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Week 8 - Nowa Aleksandria

It's hard to gauge what I think of live sound. It's really quite fun, I do enjoy the feeling of setting up and getting ready for a show. It's very familiar. It's not a very peaceful environment though. I guess that's because we are still somewhat new to it. I remember feeling fairly overwhelmed when we first started learning studios in our first year. Especially when there is a tech fault. That just feels chaotic. It's amazing how quickly time moves along as well. You don't quite notice it but one minute you're on time and then you're running late and nothing even went wrong.

The 20 minute mix I did was alright. I wasn't 100% happy with it it but if that's the sound I sent to front of house at a show I wouldn't be mad. I really take my hat off to sound guys that do a 20 minute change over that includes bands swapping gear plus wanting to do a line check. That would just be insane to have to manage especially when all the musicians are drunk. I imagine it's something that you just get used to eventually though. I think if I did more live sound from here on it would constantly get easier and easier but I don't know that I would ever want to have to do it as a bill paying gig, it's certainly a thankless job. Maybe once in a while for extra cash or something.

In terms of our show. I am feeling quite confident it will be fine. Everyone seems fairly confident in their knowledge of what we have to do and if anything unexpected pops up we're all able to interchange with each other in terms of roles. The only thing that does concern me is that the show is in a month and we might forget some really basic fundamental things between now and then.

Some folks I know in Brisbane put out a really good new demo the other day. They're called Bloodletter and they play old post punk stuff which is right up my alley. I know a couple of the people in the band from having played shows with their old bands in the past while I was on tour in Brisbane or they were here.

If you want to have a listen

It reminded me heaps of Nowa Aleksandria by Siekiera though. So while I wrote this I listened to that record.

Ben's Friends


Zo Damage - Professional photographer and gallery curator 



Jason Fuller - Recording, mix and mastering engineer. Owner of Goatsound Studios. 



Mike Deslandes - Former owner of Capital Sound Studios Adelaide. ARIA nominated audio engineer and producer.

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